Academic Regalia

The wearing of academic costume is a tradition that has persisted from the Middle Ages, when the first Universities were founded.

Students wearing regalia and walking in the procession

The regalia vary slightly from one University to another, and within a University, according to the status of the wearer.

At the University of British Columbia, the undergraduate’s and Master’s gown are black. The colours for the degrees are as follows:


Degree Name Colours
Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy Gown – Maroon with front panel & sleeves of university blue with gold piping
Hood – Blue silk outside with gold lining
Hat – Decanel bonnet of maroon silk with gold cord and tassel
M.A. Master of Arts Fully lined university blue
M.A.Sc. Master of Applied Science Fully lined scarlet
M.Ed. Master of Education Fully lined white with university blue cord
M.Eng. Master of Engineering Fully lined scarlet with dark blue cord
M.F.A. Master of Fine Arts Fully lined university blue with magenta cord
M.M. Master of Management Fully lined grey with black and gold cord
M.S.N. Master of Science in Nursing Fully lined scarlet with blue and white cord
M.S.W. Master of Social Work Fully lined magenta
M.Sc. Master of Science Fully lined light blue
B.A. Bachelor of Arts University blue
B.A.Sc. Bachelor of Applied Science Scarlet
B.Ed. Bachelor of Education White with university blue cord
B.F.A. Bachelor of Fine Arts University blue with magenta cord
B.H.K. Bachelor of Human Kinetics Malachite green
B.Mgt. Bachelor of Management Light grey with black and gold cord
B.M.S Bachelor of Media Studies University Blue
B.N.L.F Bachelor in Nsyilxcn Language Fluency University Blue
B.S.N. Bachelor of Science in Nursing Scarlet with blue and white cord
B.Sc. Bachelor of Science Light blue